Last year, we had over 5,000 Walkers and this year we are expecting at least the same, if not more. While the Walk is designed to raise money for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, it is the mission of the Foundation to find a cure for type 1 diabetes and its complications through the support of research. The JDRF Walk hosts a variety of family and corporate walk teams that want to make a difference in the lives of millions hoping for a cure of this horrible disease. In the past, we have had the wonderful support of organizations like:
* Walgreens
* KFC/Harman Management
* Albertsons
* 7UP/RC Bottling Group
Plus many others who are committed helping JDRF take greater steps toward a cure. See our sponsors.
Entire families enjoy participating in the Walk to Cure Diabetes – and supporting their loved ones, even if they are not among the 14 million Americans with a personal connection to type 1 diabetes. Each year, JDRF provides great entertainment including; Lost In Face, face painting, The Reptile Guy, Noah and Zan, Caricature’s from Caricature Art Inc, A Children’s tent including bounce house, and much much more!. A highlight of each year is the appearance of the 501st Legion, Mountain Garrison – a host of Star Wars characters including Stormtroopers and Darth Vader. Walkers of all ages enjoy meeting Jay Leeuwenburg, JDRF Celebrity Chair, former CU & NFL standout our and author of "Yes I Can, Yes You Can!" a book about Jay’s journey when he was diagnosed with type 1 Diabetes only days after his 12th birthday.
If you would like to help us take a step toward finding a cure, please contact Jami Alleman at jalleman@jdrf.org or 303.779.0525 ext. 3 for corporate sponsorship information.
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