Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Adams 14 School District Faces a Budget Gap of about $4.4 million

District 14, as with many other school district such as 27J, are facing huge budget obstacles. But, with newly added expenditures of nearly $800,000 and an already budget cut number of $3.6 million, the district is looking at a overwhelming $4.4 million. Further, it is reported that the per pupil funding will go down from $7,500 to $6,700 in just two years.

So what are potentials for the chopping block? The district will be looking at possibly making changes in the transportation department, possibly getting rid of instructors, literacy coaches and other staff.

Local Narrative: "Last year, we cut 20 teaching positions in our schools. With a $5 million budget gap this year, we know every part of the District will be touched. We have many essential components in place to reform and improve education in our schools, but we continually face challenges in funding our strategic initiatives. We need your help to make sure there is a long term solution. Solving the budget this year and passing the school finance bill isn't enough - we need to solve improve the Colorado tax structure to fully fund education and catch up with our neighboring states. So what's at stake? Everything that matters - high quality teachers in the classroom, smaller class sizes, parent involvement initiatives, birth to 3 education progams, after school programs, high cost electives (music, arts, CTE), and more."  J.A., Commerce City
Source: 2010 Great Futures Map and Petition to Legislature

The school board will hold another public hearing on the budget at its meeting in April.

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