The Outdoor Emergency Warning System (EWS) is an outdoor siren system that is used to warn the general population of Tornado danger in a short amount of time and to notify residents that the emergency is occurring.
The tests are conducted monthly on the first Wednesday of each month, and are intended to ensure that all systems and procedures are working properly. The tests also promote public awareness of the warning sirens located throughout the city. The public is not expected to take any action in conjunction with the testing. However, residents are encouraged to have their own emergency preparedness plans:
· Talk with your family and/or co-workers about what do to in the event of a tornado or other emergency.
· Designate work and family meet-up locations; make sure to select an alternate location in case the emergency makes it impossible to get to the primary location.
· Review your site evacuation plans - in the case of a tornado, know where to seek shelter.
· Review or compile a 72-hour emergency preparedness kit.
· Purchase a NOAA Weather Radio to receive direct tone alerts for emergency situations.
During an actual emergency, residents should:
· Seek shelter (anyone outside should go indoors); and
· Tune in to radio, television or Brighton Alert to get information about the type of emergency and instructions/recommendations.
For more information, visit www.brightonco.gov and visit the “Emergency Management” link under “Departments.”
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