Friday, May 7, 2010


Denver Mayor Refuses to Take a Position and Give Taxpayers Their Due

In another defining issue in the race for Governor, GOP candidate Scott McInnis opposes legislation that would have taxpayers foot the bill to collect and remit state employee union dues – and the Democrat Denver Mayor has again refused to speak out.

"Just as when job killing tax increases were being rammed through the Legislature, I'm standing up for taxpayers, and the Denver Mayor is sitting on the sidelines," McInnis said. "To quote Yogi Berra, 'It's déjà vu all over again.'"

The current issue is a proposal to put in statute the current practice – now in place thanks to an executive order issued by Gov. Bill Ritter – that allows the state to deduct dues from the paychecks of state workers and remit them directly to the state worker unions at taxpayer expense. This is obviously a huge benefit to unions, since members pay dues a few dollars at a time as part of their overall paycheck deductions, missing the overall impact on their pocketbooks.

McInnis has pledged to rescind this executive order on his first day in office, returning the state to the pro-taxpayer, pro-worker practice in place under Gov. Bill Owens.

"Clearly, the Denver Mayor has made it a priority to avoid taking positions on the issues that affect taxpayers most," McInnis said. "Just like he did when the Democrats pushed through nine tax increases that drove the affiliate program out of Colorado, hurt consumers and small businesses, and cost Colorado jobs, the Mayor refuses to take any position."

McInnis has also pledged to reverse the Ritter executive order unionizing the state workforce.

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