Friday, July 8, 2011

Commerce City Council to Discuss & Take Possible Action on Adams County referral for a Certificate of Designation for a Medical Waste Treatment Facility

On Monday, Commerce City Council will discuss and possibly take action on a Adams County referral for a Medical Waste Treatment Facility. Adams County is currently reviewing an application for a Certificate of Designation (CD) for a Medical Waste Treatment Facility. The facility would be located at 8620 Brighton Road, which Commerce City does not currently have the contiguity to annex.

There are two public hearing dates set for this application.
Adams County Planning Commission: July 14, 2011 at 1:30pm
Adams County Board of Commissioners: August 17, 2011 at 10am

The county planning staff will be recommending that the county planning commission continue this case on July 14th to provide more time for the applicant to conduct a neighborhood meeting at a time and location appropriate for the neighborhood.

Adams County Staff Report Click Here...
Adams County Detail Information Click Here... 

Background Information:
Adams County is reviewing the above mentioned application in an effort to make a determination regarding the operation of a Medical Waste Treatment Facility. The material that was sent out for referral identifies that “the medical waste will be sterilized by being placed in a high pressure steam, vessel, an autoclave, which
destroys the infectious nature of the waste and makes it suitable for disposal in a sanitary landfill.” The referral goes to say that “the facility will accept all infectious wastes as defined in 25-15-401, but will not accept any hazardous waste as defined in 25-15-101(9). All treatment operations will be performed inside of a one story approximate 15,660 square foot building.” In terms of the type of waste that will be received, the application states that “the facility will only accept for treatment waste that requires sterilization prior to disposal in a permitted solid waste disposal facility, and is amendable to the autoclave sterilization process, from commercial medical service providers. Recognizable human anatomical remains shall not be accepted for treatment at the facility.” The referral goes on to say that “the EDOP (Engineering Design and Operations Plan) has been reviewed by both the CDPHE (Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment) and the TCHD (Tri-County Health Department) and both agencies have recommended approval of the planned facility based on technical feasibility and compliance with state regulations.” Staff understands that the application has already been reviewed and approved by the CDPHE and the TCHD. Therefore, the Certificate of Designation is the last opportunity for public input regarding this use. If the application is approved, the next step will be for Adams County to review the necessary building permits through an
administrative process.

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