Washington, DC – Today, U.S. Rep. Ed Perlmutter (CO-07) released the following statement in advance of tomorrow’s vote on health insurance reform.
“Now is the time to focus on the policy of health insurance reform. Throughout the week and through my position on the Rules Committee, I’ve worked with House leadership to make sure we take a vote on the substance of the historic improvements we are making to the way Americans access to health insurance in this country.
I saw no reason why we shouldn’t have an up or down vote on each bill. Too much is at stake, for the thousands of people in the 7th CD with pre-existing conditions and the families and small businesses who want to get insurance for themselves and their employees. We will now vote on a bill reducing health insurance costs, cuts the deficit by $130 billion and provides insurance coverage for 95% of all Americans."
The vast majority of Perlmutters constituents are OPPOSED to this bill but Ed continues to spout the party line. If made law this bill will bankrupt the United States. Quite a price to pay for stroking a few Democrat egos.