Metropolitan State College of Denver ’s Board of Trustees today voted at a special board meeting to pursue legislative authority to change the institution’s name to Denver State University . A late bill is planned in the legislature within the next month, according to President Stephen Jordan.
The board made its decision based on insight gained from primary and secondary research collected during the last year. Two front-running names emerged as finalists for a potential name change: Denver State University and Metropolitan State University of Denver. At the meeting the board voted 5-2 in favor of Denver State University .
These names and two others, including the current name, were surveyedelectronically last month. Outreach efforts to alumni, donors, business leaders, the Latino and African-American communities, and the community at large also favored the two names. All told, more than 9,000 people voted.
With 80 percent of all stakeholders voting in favor of a name change, the board was provided with detailed information about the opportunities and challenges that would be involved.
“Sector Brands and the staff did their due diligence in collecting the needed feedback to allow the board to make an informed decision about the name change,” says Trustee Chair Rob Cohen. “They provided as many avenues as possible for all constituents to weigh in on the process.”
“I’m pleased that the board recognizes how this change will not only renew our commitment to the College’s mission, but also help increase the institution’s distinction in the community,” says Jordan .
If approved by the legislature in the 2011 session, the new name would be implemented by September 2012.
For a full list of information about the Strategic Name Initiative visit:
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